
ছমৰীয়া আঞ্চলিক মহাবিদ্য়ালয় গ্ৰন্থাগাৰ

   This is informed to all the students and nearest community that the Central Library going to organize book talks program on 26th Sep, 2024. To get more details please go in the notice section.    ||       We are pleased to inform that the Central Library of Chhamaria Anchalik College has recently subscribed to the "Employment News" publication. This resource is now available for all students     ||    

The Central Library, Chhamaria Anchalik College, is the hub of learning and discovery! The Central library, Chhamaria Anchalik College is not more than just shelves filled with books; it’s a place where students, faculty, and community can explore, imagine, and grow. Thelibrary was established in 1994 when the college was established. The library has an advisory committee for decision-making and implementing the library policy. There are four library staff members three are permanent staff and one is on a contractual basis. The library has a total book of 8202, 9 periodicals, 4 newspapers, e-books, and e-journals under N-LIST, etc.The library used the 23rd Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) scheme to classify books...Read More

    Supporting document for NAAC  Click Here

Student Gate Register, Academic year: 2022-2023  Click Here

Faculty Gate Register, Academic year: 2022-2023  Click Here

  • 2025-02-10
  • Notice regarding submitting a list of articles, books, and conference proceedings with their metadata.  Click Here

  • 2025-02-10
  • Notice regarding to respected faculty members to submit their list of the article, books, conferencing proceedings etc. to make Institutional Repository Successful.  Click Here

  • 2024-09-24
  • Notice regarding book talks program  Click Here

  • 2024-09-23
  • Notice regarding N-LIST membership creation  Click Here

  • 2024-02-22
  • Notice Regarding Fine to Students  Click Here

  • 2024-02-22
  • Notice Regarding Fine to Faculty  Click Here

  • 2023-12-05
  • Notice regarding the books return to Central Library, CAC to 3rd semester students  Click Here

  • 2023-10-12
  • Notice regarding to faculty members for the submission of books, and research articles published by the faculty to make a special collection in the Central library, CAC.  Click Here

  • 2023-09-05
  • Notice regarding the creation of user in the N-LIST  Click Here

  • 2023-08-25
  • Notice regarding the collection of names of book list to the respective department  Click Here

Librarian Message


Nani Gopal Mandal

Designation : LIBRARIAN
Download CV

Welcome to our Central Library, Chhamaria Anchalik College, the hub of learning and discovery! Our library is more than just shelves filled with books; it’s a place where you can explore, imagine, and grow. Move quickly into a world of knowledge with our diverse collections of books, magazine, newspaper, journal, e-resources covering different subject area. Our friendly library is here to help you find what you’re looking for and make your learning journey smoother. So, come on in, ask question, and let your curiosity guide- our library is here to help you on your exciting journey of discovery.

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Address-Chhamaria Anchalik College P.O.- CHHAMARIA
PIN- 781136

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